The Gold Pan Tote




 < This shows the tote with a shovel  and a hand dredge strapped to it.   

    This is a Cut-away showing the tool pouches inside. >


The "Gold Pan Tote" is made of "Top Gun Marine Topping",

which is color safe, water resistance, mildew resistance, and

very strong. The strap handles are made of strong nylon webbing.

The overall size is 16 inches wide by, 16 inches high, by 10

inches deep. The tote will hold two standard 14 inch goldpans

and two 14 inch classifiers. it also has 15 assorted size pockets

inside to hold hand tools, sucker bottles, and etc. There is also

a zippered pocket to hold your gold, so you don't lose any if

the tote gets turned over. A large inside area can hold gloves,

spare parts, and what ever. There are two sets of velcro straps

on the outside bottom for strapping a shovel, pry bar, or what

ever you want, for easy carrying. The standard color is teal

with gold handles. The product may vary from the pictures.

There is a 100 % satisfaction, 30 days money back guarantee.

Special Interductory price

$25.00 plus $5.00 Shipping & Handling.

Payable at this time by checks or money orders only

for details e-mail me at


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